Is granted to a member of the family of an exempted person (principal applicant) to enter, reside and study in Fiji during the time in which the principal applicant is a resident in Fiji.
This application form must be completed by persons over 18 years of age.
All documents must be submitted as per Exemption document requirements. The Department reserves all rights to acquire additional documents for further verification as and when required.
Where a question in a particular section does not apply to you, please put NONE or N/A where applicable.
Providing false information in this application can lead to imprisonment or a fine or both.
No fees are required for Exemption Application.
The “Family Members of an Exempted Person” category is only applicable to the legally married spouse and children (below 18 years of age) of the principal applicant holding/applying for exemption as a Member of the Military Forces or as a Non-Fiji Citizen Civil Servant.
Further Enquires:
For further inquiries, please contact:
We offer a range of visas to help those who can contribute to Fiji, visit, work, study, live or invest here.
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