Fiji Immigration

Exemption Status for Diplomatic or Consular Personnel

Exemption status granted to any serving diplomatic or consular or any other person for that matter who have been extended immunities or privileges in Fiji under any written law for the time being in force that authorizes a person to enter, reside and work in the country. Authority is under Section 8(1)(d) of the Immigration Act, 2003.

New or Extension
  • Advice and diplomatic schedules form the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Applicant and dependents passports.

Actual processing times may vary due to individual circumstances including:

  • Whether the applicant has lodged a complete application which includes all required documents;
  • Response to any requests for additional information
  • Time taken to perform required checks; and
  • Receiving additional information from external parties.

We will let you know when the decision is made on your application through email.

Further Enquires:

For further inquiries, please contact: